Magnetic Words

Anagram Magnets

It may only be February, but it isn’t too early to start counting down the days till June. The Farm Chicks Antiques Show takes place, in June, at the fairgrounds in Spokane, WA. In addition to soaking in the collective creativity of so many artists in the same venue, I have started a tradition of buying a few letters to make something with each year. These letters came out of a vintage Eye Rest Anagrams Game. I glued them together and then to magnets to create words that could be rearranged into simple sentences. Digging through the bowl of letters to spell out a few words was fun, but nothing compares with how my son giggles when making silly sentences from them as he learns to read.


Hopefully, in the midst of the fun, I can also teach him that the words we say stick to people, much like these magnets will stick to his chalkboard, for “Gentle words are a tree of life; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.” Proverbs 15:4

Inspirational Scripture relating to our words: Proverbs 10:11 & Psalm 19:14
Inspirational Scripture relating to God’s words: 1 John 1 & Deuteronomy 11:18 & John 6:63